domingo, 19 de junio de 2016

My childhood

I am going to explain how my childhood was. I interview around 3 people. Now I remember a lot of memories and my family helped me.
I had dark skin. I looked like a Chinese person because my eyes were almond shaped. I had brown and straining hair. I had small and brown eyes. My face was very small. I wear glasses since I was 5 years old.
I was very shy and quiet. I was quiet for my mother because my brother was very nervous. I was very cute and I was likeable.
As I was a baby I would go to doctor with my mother and a person said "your daughter is a Chinese " and my mother said "No, this is my daughter ".
I have changed a lot. But the change is good. I changed when I was eleven. I talk a lot. I am not shy

1 comentario:

  1. This is good, Mª José.
    Again I miss your paragraphs!
    You have some verb tense mistakes. Perhaps one of your classmates can help you find them.



Hola, hoy es 16 de Septiembre y mañana comienzo una nueva etapa, en un nuevo instituto. Sin saber como me irá, ya que tendré que adaptarme...